number 10 – february 2011
From February 9th to 11th the farming world will meet in Berlin at Fruit Logistica 2011.
For three days, more than 2.300 people, including industry’s key decision makers, exhibitors and trade visitors, will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange their opinions on different topics.
Alimos will take part in this special event and will present its various learning tools created for the second edition of the School Fruit Scheme to the international community. The community programme involves this year in Italy more than 1.3 million primary school children.
Wednesday, February 9th, during the meeting sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Alimos will present to the press and to representatives of other European countries involved in the Scheme its ‘accompanying measures’. These activities are implemented this year in ten regions located all over Italy (Piemonte, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Campania, Puglia) and schools are just receiving them in these days.
In Berlin we will present activities such as theme events, visits to teaching farms and we will offer a preview of the Ortolando gardening kit, a simple but all embracing agronomy kit aimed at arousing children’s curiosity towards the maintenance of a garden.
The kit includes some ready-to-use tools that children and teachers will learn to use with the help of an expert. It also includes the Lando’s Game, a board game focusing on different aspects regarding garden care, combining learning with fun.
Paolo Bruni, president of CSO will open the conference and will be followed by the members of the institutions (Giuliana Keller – European Commission, Eleonora Iacovoni – Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Pier Paolo Fraddosio – Agea, Claudio Versienti – Agecontrol) and representatives of fruit and vegetables companies working on the project.
A prince, rigged out in his best clothes, standing in front of a majestic lectern. That is how the professional animator Giandomenico Sale starts the theatre show he created right for the second edition of the School Fruit Scheme. The show was played for the first time last week in the Salento region of Puglia and for the next three months Giandomenico will be presenting it in several schools of Puglia, Abruzzo and Molise. The school hosting the show have been awarded with a free theme day, that is to say Alimos’ first accompanying measure. This party, through the show and the distribution/consumption of fruit and vegetables, aims at raising awareness among children, parents and teachers of the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.
Giandomenico Sale’s show is based on the book “Fiabe per frutta” (Fairy tales for fruits), written by Guido Quarzo. In more than an hour Giandomenico captures kids’ imagination with various tales, such as that of a father forced to sell his daughter to the king in a basket of pears, or that of a little girl who turns every night into an apple, or else the one who discovers a date with magic powers. All these fairy tales have just one thing in common: loads of fruits!
Through these stories children enjoy themselves, asking many questions and, at the same time, they learn that eating fruits and vegetables is healthy.
The beginning of the accompanying measures coincides with that of Alimos Fruit Tour. Actually we would rather say that the tour carries on from where we stopped off last year. Through the Fruit Tour, we want to tell everybody about our experience of the School Fruit Scheme in the 10 regions we have been awarded and we want to do it by involving the local press.
The first stop will be in Bari, on February 10th, at the Conference Room of the Rural Development Department of the Puglia Region. The speakers on this occasion will be members of the Ministry of Agriculture, of Puglia Regional School Department; of Orogel, the company in charge of handing out fruits in Puglia, Abruzzo and Molise and, finally, the regional councillor for agro-alimentary policies, Nicola Stefano.
The second stop will be in Chieti, on February 25th, when the regional councillor for agriculture and rural development, Mauro Febbo, will assist at the distribution of fruits in the school of Via Arniense in Chieti. This time the press conference with members of the institutions and Orogel will be held within the school premises.
The project kicks off
After the beginning of the distribution of fruit and vegetables to schools of all the 10 regions awarded to Alimos and its partners, the accompanying measures will soon be implemented in each of these area. Schools of Piemonte, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Campania, Molise and Basilicata are ready to host theatre shows and thousands of Ortolando gardening kits.
Frutta nelle scuole
News, games, official distribution calendars, the list all the of schools taking part in the project and much more information on the School Fruit Scheme.
Frutta nelle scuole
is on Facebook
Checking out the School Fruit Scheme profile on facebook is the best way to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and to exchange your opinions with other people taking part in this project.
Visit the official website and the programme of this important event that takes place in Berlin from February 9th to 11th
Press Conference in Bari
Monday, February 21st 2011
Press Conference in Chieti
Friday, February 25th 2011
Alimos e-learning website.
Teaching Farms’ website.
Website of the Frutta Snack project.
Alimos brochure
Click here to read and/or download Alimos Brochure.