Awarded 4 out of 8 lots of the Community Programme “School Fruit Scheme”
We’re off again! After the exciting experience of last year, when we toured Italy by organising 10 theme events in schools all over the country, the second edition of the School Fruit Scheme is now about to kick off.
 In this edition Alimos will take care of the accompanying measures for schools of the following regions: Piemonte and Liguria (Lot 1); Emilia Romagna, Toscana and Umbria (Lot 4); Campania and Basilicata (Lot 6) and, finally, Abruzzo, Molise and Puglia (Lot 7). Alimos, together with Italy’s major Producers Associations (Apofruit Italia, Orogel Fresco, Apo Conerpo, together with its two branches Alegra and Naturitalia, VOG Products, as well as the Producers’ Association A.P.O.T and Il Giardinetto Soc. Coop.) will provide fruits and vegetables to 625.332 children, aged 6 to 11, of 3.869 schools. Moreover, accompanying measures will help raise children’s awareness of Italian fruits and vegetables. To view the complete list and the contract winners, click here.
So, get ready, Alimos has created various tools to involve children and teachers in many activities with a common goal: helping children learn to eat healthy!
Training courses for teaching farms Operators of teaching farms can enrol for the online training course developed by Alimos at the end of October. The course is made up of 8 video lessons on how to welcome and teach children in the farm and by a course handout including examples of activities to carry out with children. Download the programme and the registration form.
Our expert’s view Alessandra Bordoni, Professor of Food Science and Dietetics at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Bologna, answers to various questions in the field of food education. Experts suggest to eat a lot of fruits, but how many? What fruits? And when? Eating fruit and vegetables “5 times a day” means taking 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day. It is normally recommended […] (Read more)
Call for application to form an EU group of experts The Commission launched a call for applications in order to select the members of the EU group of experts for technical advice on the School Fruit Scheme. The group should be composed of scientists and other experts with competences related to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the SFS and should deliver independent, excellent and transparent technical advice to the Commission. The group shall also assist the Commission in elaborating the report referred to the 2007 Regulation on the common organisation of agricultural markets. Applications must be submitted not later than Monday 29 November 2010 by 17.00 Brussels local time, by registered post (date as postmarked) to the following address: European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Unit C.2. – Olive oil, Horticultural product, Rue de la Loi 130, 7/23, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË. Click here to download the text of the invitation and the forms to fill in.
Residential Course The residential course for operators of teaching farms promoted by Alimos on 8th and 9th November has just ended. During the two-day course 16 operators, including entrepreneurs, and educators visited 4 teaching farms of the Romagna area. Experts of local farms played the role of “teachers”, by showing “students” the teaching methods they use with children, in particular those that help making the farm the best place to learn, enjoy themselves and meet. Two days of full time training, interactive lessons, teaching of “active” learning activities and visits to the farms. Participants received material (handouts, leaflets, DVDs) aimed at enhancing their technical and working skills so as to carry out at best their activity.
Alimos at the Macfrut Fair
 Cesena, 7th October 2010. On the occasion of the Macfrut Fair, Alimos organised workshops for primary school children and promoted the round table titled “Teaching and learning healthy eating habits at school”. The meeting aimed at presenting teaching and pedagogic strategies implemented by operators of Italy and France involved in the Community School Fruit Scheme.
Newsletter n. 8 16th November 2010
Alimos offices will be closed on Friday 19th November due to maintenance work.
Our websites Alimos official website Alimos e-learning website. Teaching Farms’ website. Website of the Frutta Snack project.
Alimos is on Facebook. Alimos
Fattorie Didattiche Frutta Snack
Alimos Brochure Click here to read and/or download Alimos Brochure
Available the English version of the learning kit Merenda a Colori (What a colourful snack) Merenda a colori is a recreational learning programme for primary school teachers and children. Its main goal is to encourage children’s willingness to taste new food and to promote a positive relationship with it. The learning kit is made up of: a teacher’s guide; a video course (DVD); a “mysterious story” introducing the game; a map; cardboard templates to cut out in order to build a full set of armour. Watch the trailer
Arefhl Meeting In Brussels Monday 8th November, in Brussels, took place the meeting titled “L’apprentissage à l’école est aussi le fruit de notre travaille?” organised by AREFHL. Despite a different approach in the experience of Italy, France, Spain and Belgium, this meeting allowed a first exchange of opinions and ideas that will undoubtedly pave the way to fruitful collaborations in the near future. The creativity and the experience of states that pioneered this Project will allow putting in place very important learning activities and actions for the youngest students. Go to the web site
“Why changing?” The meeting organised by Almaverde Bio On 9th November at the “Residenza di Ripetta” in Rome, took place the meeting titled “Cambiare perché?” (Why changing?), organised by Almaverde Bio. The meeting aimed at discussing the campaign promoted by Almaverde Bio to explain “the benefits of organic products” through the help of experts. It was also announced the acquisition of 4 important companies of the fruit and vegetables field.
The 2008 Romagna Sangiovese Superiore “Primo Segno” (First Sign) of the Villa Venti Fam has been awarded with the “3 glasses” of 2011 edition the famous Italian wine guide “Gambero Rosso”. Visit the website
Suggested by us
Teaching software (fruit and vegetables games) Children Learning games
Upcoming events
Until 21st November 2010 in Cesena Education and Pedagogic week 9th – 11st November, 2010 – Genova Fair ABCD – Italian Education Show 19th – 21st November, Bolzano’s Organic Products Fair Biolife